The shameful two-child benefit cap will be lifted immediately.
The classification of drugs will be transferred to the British Medical Council. Dependant usage will become a health issue. Non dangerous prisoners in jail just for possession to be release on the understanding that outstanding time will be served in full in the event of re-offending,
Certified outlets will be allowed to dispense quality controlled drugs with government health warnings. Users will have physical and mental support options available.
The police are to be centrally funded, to ensure standard levels of provision. This will have the bonus of freeing up funds for local councils.
There will be a Royal commission reviewing charity. Incentives for overlapping charities to merge to be made available. Activities which should be publicly funded will be, thus reducing the need for the sector. The Germans don’t have charities- they just all pay their taxes. Charitable status may be suspended or removed; operations may be taken into central administration if failing. Public schools will have their charitable status revoked.
Prostitution will be legalised but limited to red light zones, where security will be provided. Physical and mental health care will be available and options to exit always available; as will retraining- many would make excellent psychiatric nurses. Pension provisions will be made based on a shorter working life.
Many prisoners are ex-servicemen with mental health issues. A pilot scheme will be investigated whereby they are returned to barracks for useful light duties; providing a sense of belonging. Re-offenders will be send back to prison.
Ex-servicemen will receive support to address their issues and assist reintegration into civilian life. Businesses will be given guidance on recruiting ex-servicemen to apply their organisational skills and clear thinking to the benefit of GB industries.
The triple lock will apply to benefits.
Eliminate dying intestate by offering free wills to everyone over a five year period and then changing the tax code of everyone who doesn’t have a will.
The distribution of land to be investigated by the Monopolies Commission.
The sale of kitchen knives with pointy ends will be prohibited; stabbings will continue but over the next two hundred years will gently reduce.
Councils will be encouraged to introduce a variation in prices for busking licences; miserable buskers should be made to pay more.
Free markets of the Dutch style should be encouraged.
All photos in holiday adverts captioned with location. Companies offering on-line deals in adverts suggesting a product can be obtained from a certain price, must provide detail of the deal on their home page.
Under 18s will not be allowed to enter premises of religious indoctrination.
The Scottish index of multiple deprivation to be rolled out nationally.
Lord Dubs’ scheme for un-accompanied child refugees for implemented in full.
For highly publicised court cases we may seek to swap citizens with other English speaking nations.
Roll out the system of Independent Guardian in England and Wales to represent, support, and safeguard child victims of human trafficking, as legislated for in the modern day slavery act.