The internal market of the N.H.S. will be ended; it has increased administration costs from 5% to 15%. All outsourcing will be brought to an end. Health professionals will implement best practice reforms, Comparison to best performing international equivilents must be ongoing to ensure highest standards. The National Audit Office will be provided with the tools to monitor the “postcode lottery” and bring it to an end ensuring best practice and standards are universal.
While the present urgent problems are being addressed, the Bank of England will build a sovereign wealth fund to support the national health system; investments will be made to deliver 2% real terms increase in funding annually to accommodate the rising costs of; a) an aging population, b) new drugs and treatments, c) lifestyle related illnesses (obesity etc) and d) preventative screening and treatments.
In due course all local health care activities will be brought into the system and lifted up to the highest service level.
A right to a dignified death will be established, strict medical controls will be enforced for end-of life planning and care.
Corn syrup will be banned. This additive is in many processed products. It started to be added in the fifties when food processors started to take the fat out of food. Unfortunately, this made the food taste of cardboard. Corn syrup makes it taste great; however, it also flips the inhibitor in our brains which tells us to stop eating. This simple measure will have a vast impact on our obesity and diabetes crises and various related health issues.
All citizens will be issued with a “Jack Munroe” minimum calorific ration swipe card with which they can get free food. No one will go hungry.
Our military bases in Cyprus will be de-militarised and turned into care establishments for the elderly-reducing pressure on the home service and encouraging co-operation between the Cypriots.
All male children will be given a vasectomy at the age of thirteen; any couple who wish to procreate will need to apply for a reversal; which, if approved, will be conducted after they have completed a parenting awareness/suitability course.
The homes of people taken into care will be temporarily transferred to local council control. These will be rented out, thus, not wiping out inheritances while providing councils with social housing. As the costs will be higher than the income councils will be able to a) borrow from central government to cover the shortfall and b) retain the property after the patients passing to recoup losses.
All private health care providers (including individual providers) to contribute a fixed proportion of their turnover (not profits) to the education/training of health care professionals. They will also be obliged to reduce HNS waiting list by taking on the most complex cases. Having cherry picked the easy ones and boasted how brilliant they are, let’s see how well they do when the going gets tough.