
The task of putting the country back on its feet will be a herculean one; the funds required are considerable, but available.  We will calculate the costs of our plans and work out how to raise the funds accordingly, with war and global climate collapse on our doorstep now is not the time for “computer says no”. We will provide H.M.R.C. with the funds, tools and staff to ensure an end to tax evasion and avoidance.  Heathrow expansion, HS2 and Hinckley C will all be cancelled.  Secondments to the Treasury from tax avoidance firms will be ended.  Tax avoidance firms will pay progressive tax on their profits and be subject to rigorous auditing; non-compliance will be a custodial offence and prosecutions will be assiduously pursued.

A Royal commission will be held on odious debt; including public/private finance initiative schemes.    Service providers which have continually failed to deliver expectations may be fined; highly re-numerated individuals within these operations may be personally liable.

A further Royal commission will be held into pension provision; and industry entirely people by charlatans.  Service providers which have continually failed to deliver expectations may be fined; highly re-numerated individuals within these operations may be personally liable.

Progressive income tax bands will be re-introduced.  The rates of tax on rental income will increase according to the number of properties owned.

Financial institutions will be property regulated, countries which best withstood the 2008 financial crisis will have their regulation perused for best practice.

The office for budget responsibility will be renamed something less childishly emotive.

The F.T.S.E. is an index.  Once it passes a certain point it fails to provide its core function. Indeed it serves to feed self-fulfilling prophecies when the market is overtaken by speculation, or panic. It will be re-set to 100 (using the previous 12-month average) in order to make the index functional. It will be automatically re-set when passing 50 or 200. Consideration will be given to re-setting every ten years.

No company will be allowed to pay dividends if they hold debts, pension deficits or are making an underlying loss.

All high street financial institutions to pay for a combined branch network. Staff will be able to access the network of all service providers. Staff will be employed by the network not individual banks or building societies, so being able to provide unbiased advice.

The Church of England will be dissolved; if we take the money it must mean that God wants us to have it.

The bankruptcy algorithm will be amended; smaller creditors will no longer be at the end of the queue.

Introduce online transaction tax aimed at operators not consumers.

Inheritance tax will be progressive.

Unproductive properties to be taxed progressively; and retrogressively in due course.

The Bank of England will be tasked to cease issuing; and in due course, buy back, timeless bonds.

Investment in any equipment (including tech and digital) to be treated as a capital investment rather than an operating expense.